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VerSort contribution guidelines

Thank you for considering contributing to our project. 😊

There are a few ways to contribute:

  1. Discuss. Talk there about anything related to our project.
  2. Issues. Publish one when there's a bug, problem or feature request for this project.
  3. Pull requests. Here you can propose code changes to our project.

Read this good guide about how to use those features effectively.

Be respectful. Speak English if possible, to let most of the world understand most of your words.

Set up a development environment

If you want to code, to set up a working development environment, you should have these things installed:

Once all is installed, execute:

poetry install
pre-commit install

Then, write your changes, and add new tests for them. Try to avoid modifying existing tests, always add new ones; this way you make sure everything that was working before, is still working. Aim for 100% coverage. Run tests with:

poetry run pytest

Once you're satisfied with the changes, commit them with Git, and open a pull request.